Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Frederick Page
Letter No. VWL1747
Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Frederick Page
Letter No.: VWL1747
The White Gates,
January 31st [1943]
Dear Page,
I was very glad to get your letter. I am so sorry you didn’t get that job. You seem to be doing splendid work on your pianoforte, and I am glad you don’t like Berg. I was interested in what you say about Lilburn.
The Bach chorale arrangement of Ach bleib is published in “Harriet Cohen’s Bach book.”1
To return for a moment to Lilburn, did you hear that overture that was broadcast? I was on the whole disapointed2 in it. But of course one must not judge after one hearing of a new work. I think his pianoforte sonata is his best work.
You do not say anything about your own compositions. You must not let the children of your body however lovely usurp the place of the children of your brain. I hope one day I shall have the pleasure of meeting your wife.
Thank you both for your kind thoughts.
yours very sincerely,
R. Vaughan Williams.
If you ever go to Wellington, do make the acquaintance of my friend Dr Fuchs, 8 Firth Terrace, Wellington Karori, N.Z,
1. ‘Ach bleib’ is VW’s arrangement of Bach’s Choral and Choral Prelude Ach bleib’ bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ. A Bach Book for Harriet Cohen (Catalogue of Works 1932/3) was first published by Oxford University Press in 1932.
2. sic.
Musical Works:
General Notes:
Year from postmark. Typewritten, signed. Envelope addressed by UW.
Location Of Original:
Shelfmark:MS Papers 3903
Location Of Copy:
Shelfmark Copy:MS Mus. 1714/1/26, ff. 29-31