Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Frederick Page
Letter No. VWL1833
Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Frederick Page
Letter No.: VWL1833
The White Gates
Xmas Day [1943]
My Dear Page
That is a most wonderful cake – we all partook (including R. O. Morris who now lives with us and sends best greetings) & all thank you heartily – as well as for the splendid cheese you sent before for which I could not thank you because you gave no address!
I remember that Lilburne1 joined you in that – remember me to him with affection when next you see him and give him my belated thanks.
I hope that you & your work prosper and that you are covering some music paper – you here were a prolific writer – but it’s quality that counts.
I hope we may meet again one day
R. Vaughan Williams
1. sic. Douglas Lilburn and Frederick Page were both from New Zealand; they were former students of VW and had returned to live there.
General Notes:
Year from postmark.
Location Of Original:
Shelfmark:MS Papers 3903
Location Of Copy:
Shelfmark Copy:MS Mus. 1714/1/26, ff. 25-28