Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Frederick Page

Letter No. VWL2731

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Frederick Page

Letter No.: VWL2731

10 Hanover Terrace, N.W.1.

October 11th 1953.

Dear Page,

Thank you so much for sending me the reproduction of your wife’s portrait of me.  I am glad to hear Lilburne1 continues to compose, I think he ought to do a string trio very well.
I am so sorry to hear you have been ill.
I did not know that Braithwaite2 had been conducting in New Zealand.  I think he is a very sound conductor.
My wife sends her kind regards to you both.  When shall we see you once more in England?
Yours sincerely,

R Vaughan Williams

R. Vaughan Williams.

P.S.  Sorry for delay in answering we are both head over ears in house moving

1. sic.
2. Warwick Braithwaite, conductor.