Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Frank Thistleton

Letter No. VWL3282

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Frank Thistleton

Letter No.: VWL3282

From R. Vaughan Williams,
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park,
London, N.W.1.

June 26th 1958.

Dear Frank1,

Will you bring the enclosed before the R.V.W. Committee?  I know nothing about them themselves, so I leave it entirely to the Committee to decide.2
I am sorry I am in bed with a bad leg, and shall not be able to come to the meeting, but I will brief Ursula, and she will speak for me as well as for herself.
Love from us both,


P.S.  Gil3 has seen the enclosed.

1.  Secretary of the Musicians Benevolent Fund and also Secretary of the newly-created RVW Trust.
2.  The enclosure does not survive with the letter.
3.  Sir Gilmour Jenkins, Chairman of the RVW Trust.