Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Frank Howes

Letter No. VWL4472

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Frank Howes

Letter No.: VWL4472

From R. Vaughan Williams,
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park,
London, N.W.1.

June 30th 1954

Dear Howes,
I am rather ashamed to say that I have been glued to your book.1 I find it an unusual and thrilling experience to read a book all about ones self. I have discovered one or two small errors and misprints, which I enclose, in case you have not noticed them.
Can you tell me of any knowledgeable book on the subject of rhythm? I have come to the conclusion I don’t know what it means: except I know that when a piece of music has strong accents at regular intervals we call it rhythmical. But what do people mean when they talk about the rhythm of life? or when they say a picture or a building has rhythm? or don’t they mean anything? I think I am the most illiterate person who has ever tried to give a lecture!
R Vaughan Williams 

1. Frank Howes, The music of Vaughan Williams (Oxford University Press, 1954).