Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Evangeline Farrer

Letter No. VWL4395

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Evangeline Farrer

Letter No.: VWL4395

13 Cheyne Walk

July 7th [1908]

Dear Lady Farrer
Please forgive my not answering your letter before – I have only just come back from abroad.
Please thank your committee very much from me for their kind message. It was nothing but pleasure to be associated with such a splendid performance of the Bach as the choirs gave on May 13th. It was a hazardous experiment trying anything so difficult – but we really triumphed.
I feel on these occasions that it is the local conductors who do not get their due. I know what the grind must be of preparing a work like ‘Sleepers wake’ – especially in the beginning stages and what courage it requires to persevere to a goal which is so very far off. It is a comparatively easy task to step in at the last minute and reap what one has not sown.
Please tell the conductors of the various choirs that I (and everyone) fully realize that without their devotion & musical knowledge our success would have been impossible
Yours very sincerely
R. Vaughan Williams