Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Evangeline Farrer

Letter No. VWL4388

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Evangeline Farrer

Letter No.: VWL4388

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Feb 8 [1940]

My dear Evangeline
I am very sorry that I cannot come to the Committee meeting on Saturday.
I do hope the Ctee. will see their way to use some of the reserve fund for a really good concert or concerts. I think it will be a paying proposition – and surely that is what the reserve fund is for, to meet emergencies. If we get a grant from one of these funds then we shall not have to use so much of our fund – but I feel that now is the time to be prepared to spend.
The argument, which I believe has been put forward, that it should not be used on engaging professional help leaves me quite cold.  The amateur and professional are interdependant1 and if we do not do something to keep the professional side going they will not be there to help us later on.
I also think that
(1) It is not fair on the choirs to ask them to sing with a sort of “one horse” orchestra eked out with piano.
(2) It is unfair on the audience to expect them to pay for such a performance.
I will keep down expenses all I can, but frankly I do not see the point of a half and half performance.
R. Vaughan Williams

1. sic.