Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Eva Hubback

Letter No. VWL4632

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Eva Hubback

Letter No.: VWL4632

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

December 17 [1936]

Dear Mrs Hubback1
I understand from Mrs Western that Mr Maufe2 is not using the whole of the £570 which we allowed him from the equipment fund and wants to spend some of the balance on decorating the ceiling. I cannot see that we have any right to use our subscribers money for this purpose which cannot I think possibly be brought under the heading of equipment. Besides this if Mrs Western’s description is correct I should very much dislike his proposed “stars and stripes” pattern and should much prefer either plain white or some other plain colour in harmony with the general scheme of the room.
If we have any balance in our fund I think it can be spent much more usefully than in decorating the ceilling.
Yours sincerely
R Vaughan Williams

1. Principal of Morley College.
2. Sir Edward Maufe was the architect who designed the Holst Room at Morley College, in memory of Gustav Holst, which was the subject of this letter. Joan Western was VW’s secretary at this time.