Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Elizabeth Maconchy

Letter No. VWL1952

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Elizabeth Maconchy

Letter No.: VWL1952


Xmas day [1944]

Dearest Betty

How sweet of you to write to me for Xmas – I loved having Anna’s picture  – Your poor little nest1 at Seal Chart – how sad that it is gone – Come back near to us all soon & write another 4tet.
I heard from Grace a long time ago about her ‘Glendower’ – I then heard it had been considered by the BBC – I then wrote to Hely Hutchinson3 & had a non committal reply.  
My love to Billy & Anna & a lot to you dearest Betty4
Uncle Ralph

1.  Maconchy’s home at Seal Chart, Kent, had been bombed in September 1944.
2.  Grace Williams’s Symphonic impressions (based on the life of Owen Glendower) had been read and passed by the BBC reading panel in the summer but had not so far been scheduled for performance.  Victor Hely-Hutchinson had become Director of Music at the BBC in September.
3. See VWL1959.
4.  William Lefanu, husband of Maconchy.