Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Elizabeth Maconchy

Letter No. VWL2148

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Elizabeth Maconchy

Letter No.: VWL2148

The White Gates,

Jan 13 [1947]

Dearest Betty

(a) I am so glad about the 4tet – I will certainly listen if the interfering gentleman from Latvia will allow it.
(b) I am very glad about the baby – there ought to be one for each 4tet –  then “the works of nature would keep pace with the works of art”.1
my love to Billy 
Much love to you

Uncle Ralph

1.  Maconchy’s String Quartet no. 4 was to be performed at a BBC Chamber Concert on 20 January 1947 (and broadcast on the Third Programme, with its heavy interference from Radio Latvia).  Maconchy had also announced that a second child was on the way – Nicola Lefanu was to be born in April 1947.