Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Douglas Lilburn

Letter No. VWL2249

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Douglas Lilburn

Letter No.: VWL2249

The White Gates,
Dorking, Surrey,

23rd May, 1951.

Dear Lilburn

I have been reading your article in the Magazine “Landfall” and like it very much.1 It has also been much admired by other people.
I am ashamed to say that I never wrote to you after Fred Page had played your work at Wigmore Hall.  I like it very much and admired his playing of it, and Ruth Pearl2 as well.
I am very angry with the B.B.C. for turning it down. I don’t know quite what we can do in the matter.

R. Vaughan Williams

(R. Vaughan Williams).

Douglas Lilburn, Esq.,
Victoria University College,
New Zealand.

1. Landfall was a New Zealand literary journal. Lilburn’s article discusses the work of VW and his effect on the author, in the issue for March 1951; n.17:p.57-62
2. The pianist Frederick Page and the violinist Ruth Pearl. The work played was clearly Lilburn’s Violin Sonata.