Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Constance Machray

Letter No. VWL423

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Constance Machray

Letter No.: VWL423

April 5th [1916]

Dear Connie

I add a word to Harrys to thank you very much for Easter remembrances and to give mine in return to you & all of you – especially your mother who was always so kind to me at Bps Stortford.   I hope Nellie gets on with her music – I shd like to hear – just to remind you of Harry & the old times I will quote you this


R. Vaughan Williams

1.  VW and Harry Steggles were billetted with the Machray family, where there was much music making, in Bishops Stortford from May 1915 until early 1916 when they were moved to Sutton Veny in Wiltshire. See R.V.W.: a biography, pp.119-120.
2. The tune is the introduction to the music hall song ‘When Father papered the parlour’.