Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Clive Carey

Letter No. VWL4876

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Clive Carey

Letter No.: VWL4876

The White Gates,

19th January, 1949.

Dear Clive
I feel quite ashamed of myself in worrying you so much and so you simply must not answer this letter.
I am so glad or your opinion and I think you are right.
As regards the key of promise – it is mentioned at the end of Act II, but I doubt if this is necessary.  In fact I think this is almost too realistic in a purely fanciful opera.  The scene with the key in the book occurs in Doubting Castle and no mention has been made of it before, so we must suppose that the preselect were born with keys round their necks, and that the Pilgrim had simply forgotten about this one.
As regards his dress at the end of Act II, it is mentioned, at all events in later editions of the libretto, that he changes his armour for the conventional Pilgrim’s dress.
Thank you once again for all tor help and please do not answer this.
(R. Vaughan Williams).

Clive Carey, Esq.,
85, St. Mark’s Road, London, W.10.