Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Christopher Morris (OUP)

Letter No. VWL3504

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Christopher Morris (OUP)

Letter No.: VWL3504


Dear Mr Morris

Herewith the proofs of ‘Bridal Day
Here are one or two queries or suggestions
p.1.  It is not obvious at present when the speaker comes in – I think we must add a note
“speaker starts here” – this should begin exactly over the last note (D) of the flute on l.2
p.25.  I do not quite understand your criticism; surely

The 3 must always be over the 1st semi-quaver – or am I all wrong?
p.27  barring wants revising
I think we must have bar line at the end of l.2: 2/4 at beginning of l.3 & 3/4 next bar
Please let me have another proof.
Yrs sincerely

R. Vaughan Williams

P.S.  I am very sorry I have mislaid p.25 – Could I have another proof?