Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Christopher le Fleming

Letter No. VWL4130

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Christopher le Fleming

Letter No.: VWL4130

The White Gates, Dorking

August 9 [1942?]

Dear le Fleming
I am free either 17th, 18th, or 20th and shall be delighted to see yourself & your wife either of those days. If you want to go through your music I suggest your coming a bit early as you did before.
I must confess I haven’t had time to look at the concerto because almost immediately after you left a new film job came in.1
yours sincerely
R Vaughan Williams2

1.  Possibly the film Coastal Command, first shown in October 1942, or The People’s Land, first shown on 17 March 1943.
2.  Signed by VW.