Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Christopher le Fleming

Letter No. VWL4132

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Christopher le Fleming

Letter No.: VWL4132

13 Cheyne Walk

Sunday, [January, ?1927]

Dear Mr. Le Fleming
Saturday will suit me admirably.  I wonder if it would be possible to get the old man earlier in the afternoon i.e. to take half a day off if we made it up to him?  I have tried this before with success.  I could then come down by an earlier train than 12.30 and have more time.
I have just telephoned the substance of your letter to Miss Maud Karpeles, the Secretary of the English Folk Dance Society and she is very anxious to come, though I warned her not to expect too much.  She is very much interested in folk song as well as folk-dance and has had some experience in noting them and so would therefore be very useful in helping us.
I cannot help thinking that it would be a mistake to have too large an audience for the old gentleman – it might put him off and I think Miss Karpeles, you & I might then be able to note the songs between us.  After all, if the singer has anything interesting to give us this will only be a preliminary visit.
It is most kind of you to offer to put us up but are you sure this is quite convenient?  Also I should have to leave first thing on Sunday morning so would it not be better for you if we went back on Saturday night?  I see there is a late train from Salisbury which does not appear to be very far off & perhaps we should be able to hire a car to take us there.  It is splendid of you to have arranged all this.
yours sincerely
R Vaughan Williams1

1.  Signed by VW.