Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Christian Darnton

Letter No. VWL564

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Christian Darnton

Letter No.: VWL564

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

[April 1937?]

Dear Darnton

I was delighted to receive the copy of your song & am so pleased that the public are going to have a chance of knowing it
 – I am very sorry I could not come last Monday – Just round now I have so much which has to be done that I have to ration my visits to London.
I can’t believe that you are giving up just as your work is beginning to get known – If you believe in yourself (as of course every artist worth his salt must do) you will go on recognition or not – though I never believe in the artist who says he does not want public appreciation – the fact the public often like what is bad does not mean that they do not often like what is good – & is really some want of self-confidence to be afraid of public praise


R Vaughan Williams