Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Cedric Thorpe Davie

Letter No. VWL1369

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Cedric Thorpe Davie

Letter No.: VWL1369

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Aug 11 [1938]

Dear Cedric

I was very glad to hear from you – Yes please use my name
I hope you are writing – I know you have little time & its disheartening work – But the only thing to do is to peg away & hope for the best – if it doesn’t hit the nail on the head this time always hope that it will next time – you are young & there will be lots of next times for you  – when you get old like me & you hate what you have written you suddenly realise that perhaps there won’t be a next time1 
I am so sorry Bruno has not been well – Give her my love (on both cheeks) & tell her she shall certainly have a photograph when I can find one.2


1. VW was speaking from recent experience, when he had been worried that his ability to compose had left him.
2. ‘Bruno’ was Cedric’s wife Margaret.