Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Cedric Thorpe Davie

Letter No. VWL1257

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Cedric Thorpe Davie

Letter No.: VWL1257

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Dec 31 [1937]

Dear Cedric

Thank you so much for Cuthullin – I am so glad it is printed – I will certainly write to Warrell1 & see if I can interest anyone else.
Do send me the church pieces when they come out.
I am so sorry Bruno is not well – give her my love & both of you take my blessing for the new year.2


1.  Arthur Sydney Warrell, conductor of the University Choir and Orchestra at Bristol and arranger of ‘The Agincourt Song’ (see VWL666 to Diana Awdry). VW sent him the score and Warrell replied in a letter dated 3 January 1938 which VW sent on to Davie: ‘I am very glad to have your commendation & Davie’s “Dirge for Cuthullin”, and shall certainly do it with my university choir and orchestra next season. The work looks very interesting and I look forward to putting it in rehearsal.’ (University of St Andrews Library MS37758//5/267).
2. Cedric’s wife Margaret was known as ‘Bruno’.