Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Arthur Benjamin

Letter No. VWL2782

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Arthur Benjamin

Letter No.: VWL2782

The White Gates,

19th August, 1948.

Dear Arthur

Thank you so much for letting me know about Waddington.1  I wish I could see him.  One never meets him without learning something and that without any show-off on his part.  I also heard of him from a friend of mine, Robert Muller Hartmann who was down at Lyme and they had several long and interesting conversations together.
I am always so grateful to him for all the help he gave me, though it was always with great difficulty that I persuaded him to criticise anything of mine.
I must try and arrange soon to come and hear the record of your Symphony.2

R. Vaughan Williams

Arthur Benjamin, Esq.,
3, Gloucester Gate Mews,
London, N.W.1.

1.  S.P. Waddington, now apparently living in Lyme Regis.
2.  Benjamin’s symphony, written in 1944-45 and dedicated to VW, had received its first performance at Cheltenham this year.