Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alice Sumsion

Letter No. VWL3730

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alice Sumsion

Letter No.: VWL3730

The White Gates

July 27th 1952.

Dear Alice,

It was sweet of you to write to me.  I wish I could have been at Cheltenham, but was due at the King’s Lynn Festival almost at the same time.

I should have liked to have heard the Gardener work.  Also, I could not very well have come down to your rehearsal just for ten minutes of the Mystical Songs.

I can’t immagine David Willcock’s trowsers ever coming down.

Thank you so
Start that again.)1  Thank you so much for your address.  Ursula and I will come and visit you more than once if we may.  We are stopping with Isobel2 at the Imperial Hotel, (of doubtful reputation!)

I hear that John junior has done marvellously at the University.

My love to you and all; Ursula also sends her love,
yrs R.V.W.3
R. Vaughan Williams.

1. The paper had slipped in the typewriter and “Thank you so” was at a steep angle downwards. The mis-spellings are reproduced here.
2. Isobel Holst
3. Typescript except for the greeting line and initials by VW.