Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alice Sumsion

Letter No. VWL1541

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alice Sumsion

Letter No.: VWL1541

From R. Vaughan Williams
The White Gates
Westcott Road

June 15 [1941?]

Dear Alice

I have received the music. I fear it is no good as a piece of music (R.O.1 agrees with me). But I am sending it to the B.B.C. in case it has any propaganda value. But a further difficulty is that I have already recommended a very fine setting of another Churchill speech by a friend of mine which they have turned down.
It was so nice to hear from you and know you are well – I am indignant about the treatment of Steuart2 – what a nice photograph of Mary.
We keep cheerful here and from the purely material point of view do not seem to have begun to feel the war – perhaps we are too comfortable.
Much love from us both

1. R.O. Morris
2. Steuart Wilson, who had resigned from the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia in protest at the dismissal of the director. Mary was his wife.