Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alexander Burnard

Letter No. VWL3990

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alexander Burnard

Letter No.: VWL3990

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

Feb 27 / 39

Dear Burnard
I have not written to you or heard from you for a long time. At first you must think I had forgotten about that song cycle – but I have at intervals sent it round to singers & finally to the OUP1 – but without success. Would you like it back? I have a feeling that with riper experience you may want to re-write a good deal of it.
2dly I received your carillons. I should like to hear them “in situ” before I can judge of them – I meant to give the copy to Percival Price the carilloneur from Ottawa when he came to see me the other day – but I found he already had a copy.
3rdly There isĀ an Austrian refugee Julius Katay who is coming to Australia – he is very well spoken of by those whose judgment I trust – if you come across him & can help him I should be very grateful
R Vaughan Williams

1. Oxford University Press. VW was trying to help Burnard to get some songs performed and published. See VWL3989.