Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alexander Burnard

Letter No. VWL3981

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alexander Burnard

Letter No.: VWL3981

The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

26 Dec 1932

My Dear Burnard
I was very glad to get your letter & news.
And first let me offer my very best good wishes on your engagement – I hope I shall have the pleasure of meeting your Phyllis one day. It is uphill work composing away for oneself only – but the only way is to peg away & be constantly working & learning & to remember that if you only succeed in writing 8 bars which nobody else cd do so well your work is not wasted – & that I believe that everyone has it in them to do that if they go the right way to work.
I should like to see your new songs very much – so good luck to you and all your activities.
I will give your message to the Director – he had a lucky escape!
Yours sincerely
R Vaughan Williams