Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Frank (OUP)

Letter No. VWL3060

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Frank (OUP)

Letter No.: VWL3060

The White Gates,
Dorking, Surrey.

23rd November, 1949.

Dear Frank,

I am getting on with the revisions of No.6. and will send them very soon now.
I will think hard about your suggestion as regards the “Elegy”. Of course a certain amount is wanted there to mark the division between the two parts of the poem, but I expect you are right and that this is too long.1
Yours sincerely,

R. Vaughan Williams

P.S. I think we had better withdraw the 49th//  suite from circulation – so much of it has been used up (e.g. New Commonwealth)2

1.  Frank had written on 21 November that they were about to reprint the score of the Sixth Symphony (Catalogue of Works, 1947/3) and this was a good opportunity to make any corrections.  He had also suggested a cut in An Oxford Elegy (Catalogue of Works, 1949/2) – the passage preceding the words ‘See tis no foot of unfamiliar men’.
2.  See Catalogue of Works, 1940/3 for the further uses to which the music for 49th Parallel was put.