Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Frank (OUP)

Letter No. VWL4107

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Frank (OUP)

Letter No.: VWL4107

The White Gates,

17th February, 1949.

Dear Frank

                            The opera
Thank you for your letter with the estimates.1
I am now thinking of having a German translation made. This would involve a complete re-copying of the score. When that is done we could find out the cost of one complete copy and then proceed from that to settle about photographing or otherwise.
I am sending you a copy of the “Mass” under separate cover.
Yours sincerely,

R Vaughan Williams

(R. Vaughan Williams).

Alan Frank, Esq.,
Oxford University Press,
38a Soho Square, W.1.

1. The opera in question is Pilgrim’s Progress. Frank had sent VW estimates for making 12 copies from photographs of the score, at a cost of £200 – £250 for 300 pages, and 150 vocal scores for about £45.