Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Frank (OUP)

Letter No. VWL1144

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Frank (OUP)

Letter No.: VWL1144

From R. Vaughan Williams,
The White Gates,
Westcott Road,

February 25 [1937]

Dear Frank

I am sending herewith ‘Coronation Flourish’ V.1, Vla, Cello & C.B. V.2 will I hope come tomorrow.
Paul Beard was very much down on the opalographs of “5 T. Portraits”  He objected especially to the ledger lines and pointed out that these should have measured as accurately and be as level as the ordinary lines & spaces as they are in printed music.
He pointed out that in a quick passage the player depended much more on unconscious measurement than on actual mental naming of the notes – Would you pass this on to your opalographist?1
Yours sincerel

R. Vaughan Williams

P.S. The turns2 in the enclosed copies are I think the best and should be stuck to.

Please let me see a proof before they are printed off.

1.  A method of copying music parts (predecessor of dyeline?). The ‘opalogaphist’ seems to have been a Mr Negus to whom a note is pencilled on the original: ‘Mr Negus Please note RVW’s remarks carefully. I’m afraid we must submit the masters to him.’
2.  i.e the adjustment of the music layout in the parts to make convenient page turns.