Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Frank

Letter No. VWL1972

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Frank

Letter No.: VWL1972

The White Gates,

11th January, 1950.

Dear Frank,

I have just received the score of the Folk Songs.  I expect I got my figures wrong mixing up desks and players. What it should be is:
Strings 12,10,8,8,6 which makes a total of 44, but I could, of course, do with more.
I calculated the woodwind as the usual 8 plus a possible extra flute and contra bassoon which makes 10 altogether.
The brass &c. is correct.
Yours sincerely,

R. Vaughan Williams

Alan Franks, Esq.,
Oxford University Press,
38a Soho Square,
London, W.1.

We’ll get all we can out of the W.I

As a matter of fact I can never hear the strings in the Albert Hall – so if we had 440 it wd make no difference

P.S. I find I cd do with 2 more copies in case I spoil one.

1. See VWL1971; preparations were being made for a large-scale performance by the Women’s Institutes in the Royal Albert Hall.