Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Bush

Letter No. VWL3762

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Bush

Letter No.: VWL3762

The White Gates,
Dorking, SURREY.

6th December, 1950.

Dear Dr. Bush,

I had quite forgotten about that fanfare.  Please rearrange it and use it if you like, unless meanwhile I think of something else.

I wish to make my usual protest against the use of the word “Worker” for a particular section of the community.  We are all workers nowadays, and I cannot see why the title should be denied to a Works Manager or a landowner who toil willingly and enthusiastically at his task for fourteen hours a day, and should be allowed to a navvy who leans unwillingly on his spade for seven hours.

I notice that the “Workers” are only given unison songs to sing.  It seems to me rather insulting to them to suggest that they cannot do part-singing.  I myself have known many manual labourers who were fine choral singers, but perhaps they had not the requisite political opinions to make them into “Workers”.

If I write a new Fanfare I shall dedicate it to all singing Englishmen, whether they are Workers or “Workers”.

Yours sincerely,
R. Vaughan Williams1
(R. Vaughan Williams).

Dr. Alan Bush,
25, Christchurch Crescent,
Radlett, HERTS.

1.  Signed.