Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Bush

Letter No. VWL2436

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Alan Bush

Letter No.: VWL2436

The White Gates,

11th December, 1947.

Dear Bush,

Thank you very much for your letter about May Charlton, which told me all I want to know.1
It is a difficult case to help, but I think your idea I should write to her Father is a good one and I am writing to her to suggest it without mentioning your name.  I cannot write without asking her as I do not know his address.
Yours sincerely,

R Vaughan Williams
(R. Vaughan Williams).

Alan Bush,  Esq.,
25 Christchurch Crescent,
Radlett, HERTS.

1.  See VWL2430. Bush had replied equivocally saying that despite taste and originality she had no application or perseverance. He thought she would pass a music degree provided she persevered sufficiently. He suggested that VW write to her parents encouraging them to support her while she took a detgree course.