Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Adrian Boult

Letter No. VWL3306

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Adrian Boult

Letter No.: VWL3306

From R. Vaughan Williams,
10, Hanover Terrace,
Regents Park,
London, N.W.1.

April 8th 1958.

Dear Adrian

It was a fine performance of Sancta by you and your singers and players the other night – the tempi, the balance, – everything, was just right as far as you were concerned, but of course the balance & control people made their usual mistake, and did their best to make it sound like a harp concerto.1  But as often the harp part is not strong enough, this did not hurt.  Thank you and all your forces heartilly2 from me, if you have an opportunity.  Clinton was splendid, and the tenor excellent.3
Thank you once again, and our love to Ann,


1. Sancta Civitas, Catalogue of Works 1925/6, had been broadcast on Good Friday – see R.V.W.: a biography, p.391. VW made the same remarks about it sounding a bit like a harp concerto in a letter written the same day to Cedric Glover – see VWL3308.
2. sic.
3. Gordon Clinton, the baritone. The tenor was Mitchell Hodge.
4.  UVW added a note: ‘I thought it was absolutely radiant, and most moving.  I do love it, and it was perfect hearing it again after what seems far too long always, though the grammar seems to have gone astray … emotion is too much for my parts of speech. We are going to Italy on Friday, and shall be away for five weeks. Thank you, and love’.