Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams seeking funds for Dorking and Leith Hill Preservation Society

Letter No. VWL4031

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams seeking funds for Dorking and Leith Hill Preservation Society

Letter No.: VWL4031

The White Gates

March 3rd [1942]

Dear Sir

Dorking and Leith Hill District Preservation Society

As chairman of the above society I venture to write and ask your sympathy in a scheme for preserving the “Terrace” from the hands of the builder.
As you doubtless know the “Terrace yet be made public” is the splendid avenue above Deepdene with a wonderful view over the Weald.
It is a favourite walk for the inhabitants of Dorking & we should earn their gratitude if we [text missing] preserve [it] for [text missing]
The price asked is £2,000. Of this we have already just over £1000 promised; the rest must be found before our option lapse on April 1.

I know that all available funds ought to go to winning the war – But is not a part of winning the war to make England a place worth fighting for?
Yrs faithfully
R Vaughan Williams

P.S. May I ask you to treat this letter as confidential. Delicate negotiations are going on and must not yet be made public.