Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams and Geoffrey Bush to the Editor of The Times

Letter No. VWL5069

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams and Geoffrey Bush to the Editor of The Times

Letter No.: VWL5069

4, St. James’s Place, S.W.1.

Friday 5 April, 1957

The Composers’ Guild of Great Britain is much disquieted by the possibility of the abolition of the B.B.C.s Third Programme.  The Third Programme is not only a highly important feature in our national artistic life but a unique institution in the world’s broadcasting organizations, and one which has brought the highest prestige to our broadcasting service, both at home and abroad.
Moreover, British composers of to-day have come to rely very largely for their livelihood on the existence of three programme channels, and many of them would find it a hardship amounting to disaster should their chances of a hearing on the air – precarious at the best of times – be further diminished by the coalescing of three programmes into two.
We have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servants,
Ralph Vaughan Williams, President, Composers’ Guild of Great Britain, Geoffrey Bush, Chairman.