Letter from Lady Wimborne to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No. VWL822

Letter from Lady Wimborne to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No.: VWL822

Wimborne House
Arlington Street
St James’s S.W.1.

December 12th l935

Dear Dr Vaughan Williams

Thank you very much for you letter.1   I am alas rather unfortunately situated as to your request. 
I run a musical society here – of which all the concerts take place in this house.
This is a great concession to my love of music by Lord Wimborne, who does not share my enthusiasm, & does not much care for concerts being held here! and I fear he would never consent to your proposal which it wd have given me so much pleasure to do.
I am so sorry & I hope you will understand.
Yrs very sincerely

Alice Wimborne

1.  See VWL818.