Letter from Isobel Holst to Ralph and Adeline Vaughan Williams

Letter No. VWL1243

Letter from Isobel Holst to Ralph and Adeline Vaughan Williams

Letter No.: VWL1243

Smedley’s Hydro.,

June 3. 1934

Dear Ralph & Adeline,

Thank you so much for your beautiful letter & for all that you have done for us always.1 One cant write about these things, but I would like you to know that dear Gustav died quietly & peacefully like a little child, knowing nothing about it.  I was with him all the time & he suffered no pain after the operation.2
It was a very severe operation & he could never have recovered sufficiently to work & enjoy life & I know he did not wish to live unless he could do that, so I am thankful he was spared all the pain & disappointment of recovery.
Imogen was wonderful – She adored her father & they were so much to each other in every way & she took charge of all business & saw to the funeral arrangements & thought of everything & then insisted on my coming here at once. She left me no loophole of escape because she booked my room & bought my railway ticket.
I was glad to come away from everybody I know for a time & I am also getting through the hundreds of letters I have received.
Again, Bless you & thank you
Yours affectionately


1. For VW’s letter see VWL1242.
2. The operation had been for the removal of a duodenal ulcer.