Letter from George Trevelyan to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No. VWL3422

Letter from George Trevelyan to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No.: VWL3422

Hallington Hall
Newcastle on Tyne

Sep 7. 1956

Dear Ralph

Yesterday I heard of RLW’s death;1 early this morning my wife Janet died suddenly of a stroke after 53 years of happy married life.  She was so ill that I cannot regret it. But I feel a mere shadow now.  What days we have all had since 1893.
Yrs ever

G M Trevelyan

1. Ralph Wedgwood, who had been an ‘Apostle’ with George Trevelyan at Cambridge, had died at Leith Hill Place on 5th September. They both, with VW, had been members of the Seatoller reading party in 1895.