Letter from Ernest Irving to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No. VWL2306

Letter from Ernest Irving to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No.: VWL2306

9th July, 1947.

Dear V-W,

Regarding the Scott film1, Charles Frend, the Director, has now returned intact from Switzerland where he has been photographing people falling into and being hauled out of crevasses, and would be delighted to confer with you at any time to suit your convenience. I would suggest early next week. Could you come to Ealing, or have you any other suggestions?
I am not surprised that you have definite ideas about the music; that is what we expect and welcome from you. I would suggest that you insist on a definite agreement as to the points when music can be used in full volume without admixture, and if a contract is made that it should include a stipulation that alterations must receive your consent or mine, and that no third person should be brought in to amplify or replace your work. That is, of course, assuming you find me trustworthy in those respects.
yours ever

Ernest Irving.

1.  Scott of the Antartic.