Letter from Edward Clark to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No. VWL3719

Letter from Edward Clark to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No.: VWL3719

4th January, 1938 [i.e. 1939]

Dear Mr. Vaughan Williams,

I am enclosing a manifesto outling the aims of the FESTIVAL OF MUSIC FOR THE PEOPLE, which I think will interest you.  It is hoped to make it a really ouststanding event in the world of music.  Our most ambitious effort is the Pageant to be held in the Albert Hall on April 1st, 1939.  Randall Swingler and John Allen have written the scenario, and Paul Robeson is singing, supported by massed choirs.

My Committee has asked me to approach you to ask whether you would be prepared to compose or arrange some music for Episode 2 which deals with the Coventry Shepherds’ play, introducing “King Herod & the Cock” and Gregorian Hymn from the 4th Century.

While realising that what we are proposing will not give you the score which a composer naturally looks for in the ordinary way, we are approaching you as we feel that you may like to be associated actively with this Festival.  It has such a unique interest and appeal that we do not hesitate to make this request for your co-operation, which otherwise we should hesitate to do.

If you feel you could undertake this, the exact details of the instruments will be available shortly, and, if you wish, the instrumentation could be done by someone else, though naturally we should prefer it to be done by you.  The songs to be sung will be provided by us, though perhaps it will be possible for you to provide the arrangement, harmonisations, etc.  In all cases there will be music to be written, linking up the various scenes of the episode, exact details of which will follow shortly.  Material should be ready and in our hands by the middle of February.

Although our funds are not unlimited and we cannot hope to make profit from the Festival, my Committee takes the view that the composer should certainly not be the one who always does everything for nothing, but we hope that if you will be so kind as to undertake this work, your fee will be a very moderate one.  We shall be very grateful for any help you can give us.

Yours sincerely,


R. Vaughan Williams Esq., O.M.  Mus. Doc.
White Gates,
Westcott Road,
Dorking, Surrey.