Letter from Carice Blake to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No. VWL1237

Letter from Carice Blake to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No.: VWL1237

Marl Bank,

April 25th, 1934.

Dear Dr. Vaughan Williams

I am so sorry I have delayed so long in writing to you but I only returned home last night after 3 very busy days in London during which writing did not seem possible.  But I do want you to know what a wonderful performance I thought it – & to thank  you for all the love & care & the tremendous amount of work you put into it.  The choir sang marvellously, & the whole atmosphere was so beautiful & what my father would have loved I feel.1 It means so much to know you are teaching this generation to know & love his works and above all teaching them in such a splendid way. Thank you so much also for your kindness to me personally & for making me feel so welcome.
Yours very sincerely

Carice S. Blake

1. Carice Blake was the daughter of Sir Edward Elgar. Presumably she is referring to the performance of Gerontius on April 20th at the Leith Hill Festival.