Letter from Alan Bush to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No. VWL3738

Letter from Alan Bush to Ralph Vaughan Williams

Letter No.: VWL3738

No 7399083 Pte A.D. Bush, R.A.M.C.,
No.73 (BR) General Hospital,
Military Hospital,
Barming Heath,
nr Maidstone, Kent.

Jan 9th, 1945.

Dear Dr Vaughan Williams,

I hope you will forgive me for once more enlisting your aid on my behalf.  I am taking the liberty of enclosing a draft of a letter which I would be much obliged if you would send to the Editor of the Times.

It is to a great degree self-explanatory.

My application to the Army Education Corps followed within three days of the One-Day School at Cambridge in March, when I had the pleasure of meeting you.  I obtained and passed the interview in early May, and have been awaiting transfer ever since.  In November I happened to meet the Director General of Army Medical Services, Lieutenant-General Sir Alexander Hood, whose wife is a friend of some relations of mine.  He wrote a letter about my case, as a result of which it was stated at London District that my documents had been lost!  A new set has been provided, and presumably the whole matter is now under weigh again, but in the meantime the most drastic and urgent complication of this posting has come along, and I must do my utmost to accelerate the transfer, otherwise I shall be on board and it will be too late.  Hence my approach to you.  This letter, if you would consent to write it, would I am sure bring consequences in its train which would make the transfer possible.

Hoping that you will see your way to helping me in this way,
Yours very sincerely,