Letter from Adeline Vaughan Williams to Mary Watts

Letter No. VWL4361

Letter from Adeline Vaughan Williams to Mary Watts

Letter No.: VWL4361

The White Gates – Dorking

July 2 [1948]

Dear Miss Watts1
A lovely parcel arrived 3 days ago – all in perfect condition. Was it No 5?  it contained Quince Jam – dried fruit. Margarine! Etc and the new government has allowed you to send all this! – I do hope your difficulties are being overcome and that you have found the right home – I was so glad to have your interesting letter – Are conditions – now that the excitement of the electon is over getting down to something more normal? You ask me some very kind questions – As to socks I am sorry to say my husband can never wear bought socks so I have them knitted for him – and so far I have been able to find wool for them.
There is now a drop in prices & coupons for many useful things – I’m afraid only because we can’t sell them abroad. England is going through an anxious time – first the 16 day strike & now Berlin –
Music goes on — My husband keeps well – always at work and he sends his thanks with mine to you and Mr Sheppard.
Yours very sincerely
A M Vaughan Williams

The honey leaked through a little but was all saved

1. Mary Watts, later Mrs Sheppard, was in South Africa and sent parcels of food to the VWs during post-war rationing. A pencil note by ‘No. 5’ corrects it to ‘No 6’ – presumably the sixth parcel they had sent.