Letter from Adeline Vaughan Williams to Martin Shaw

Letter No. VWL4525

Letter from Adeline Vaughan Williams to Martin Shaw

Letter No.: VWL4525

[November, 1946]

Dear Martin,
A very apt address for you as R says.  “I owe you 3 farthings siad the bells of St Martin”, but not as comforting as your former ones.
I like to hear that you have a pleasant study to work in.  The 3rd programme ought to give us “The Redeemer” except that up to now the Latvians are always disturbing our reception.
I had a spell of bed the result being that I must learn to walk again – otherwise all is well – and Ralph is almost too vigorous.  I try to curb him sometimes when he wants to do winter digging.
I do like to hear from you very much,
your afestionate