Letter from Adeline Vaughan Williams to Cordelia Curle

Letter No. VWL4682

Letter from Adeline Vaughan Williams to Cordelia Curle

Letter No.: VWL4682

Thursday [May 25 1948]

Belov Boo
Thank you so much for returning Musical Times – I thought it good enough to cut out & keep tho’ R said he didn’t want it.
R viewed Job1 from the tier above the boxes – good for sound & he even heard the oboe wh is a major difficulty with him. It wasn’t a Rolls R2 evening – he went by 4.18 took Fanny3 to M.M.4 & he caught the 9.18 train home – Programmes 6d every seat filled even to the slips. Meanwhile I listened in to Otello with the score and the evening went quickly – I couldn’t face the end wh R said I oughtn’t to have missed.
Today Betty McConchy (Lefanu) is coming with her new Symph5 – so R will have an exacting after[noon] but he is very fond of her so she is welcome.

1. Job had its first revival in May 1948 at the Royal Opera House.
2. i.e. ‘Rolls Royce’ or a grand scale
3. Frances Farrer
4. Mainly Musicians, a club to which VW belonged.
5. Probably her Symphony no. 2, later withdrawn.