Completed registration form for Ralph Vaughan Williams’s cultural national service

Letter No. VWL699

Completed registration form for Ralph Vaughan Williams’s cultural national service

Letter No.: VWL699

[Summer 1939]

a) Surname Vaughan Williams
b) Christian names Ralph
c) Literary pseudonym (if any) ——–
d) Permanent address The White Gates, Dorking
e) Telephone number Dorking 5055
f) Sex Male
g) Age 66
h) State of health Good
i) Married or single Married
j) Number of children under 18 years of age (if any)
k) Nationality British
l) Professional or Academic Qualifications (if any) Doctor of Music
m) Practical experience in spheres other than literature, drama or music (e.g., lecturing, broadcasting, teaching, farming, etc.) Lecturing on music
n) Titles and character (e.g., fiction, educational, etc.) and names of publishers of books of which you are the author National Music (Lectures)  O.U. Press
o) Titles and particulars of plays which you have written and names of theatres in which or companies by which they have been performed.
p) Titles and character of musical works of which you are the composer or author and names of publishers. Which, if any, of such musical works have been broadcast or recorded? Too many to enumerate
q) Particulars of books or periodicals which you edit or have edited. Please give sale or circulation figures.
r) Subjects of articles which you have contributed to periodicals and names of periodicals which published such articles
s) Names of periodicals which have published short stories you have written
t) Titles and [particulars of films that have been made of any of your books or plays
u) Have you any and if so what technical experience of writing (as) for the screen; (b) for broadcasting? No
v) Particulars of foreign languages which you (a) write; (b) read; (c) talk fluently French (fair)
 Brief general particulars likely to be of interest, e.g., political views, attitude to conscription, military service, etc.