RVW’s Letters


Ralph Vaughan Williams’s correspondence - with his friends, family, pupils and fellow musicians - paints an intriguing portrait of the man, as well as providing fascinating insights into his major preoccupations: musical, personal and political.

The VWF database includes transcripts of over 5,000 items of annotated correspondence, fully indexed and searchable, which can all be read online. It includes all the letters of Ralph Vaughan Williams known to the editors and is an ongoing project. Find out more about the database.

The text of letters written by Ralph Vaughan Williams remains in the copyright of the Vaughan Williams Foundation and may not be further reproduced without the prior written consent of the Foundation.

Featured Letter

from Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 1872-1958 to Mullinar, Michael, 1895-1973

Letter No. VWL3681

Letter from Ralph Vaughan Williams to Michael Mullinar

Letter No.: VWL3681

The White Gates,

May 21 [1946]

Dear Michael

Are you coming to London at all this summer?  If so there is a professional engagement which I shd be very grateful if you wd undertake that is to play through the solo pfte arrangement of my new symph1 to a few friends at Dorking – we could put you up for the night here & it wd be so nice to see Mary too (tho’ I fear there is no room for the whole family!) any time except the 1st fortnight in July & a week end would be best because I could collect more people then.
My love to Mary

R. Vaughan Williams

1. The Sixth Symphony, Catalogue of Works 1947/3. A part of the solo pianoforte score is in the Royal College of Music Library (MS 5360d). This letter concerns a play-through described in detail in R.V.W.: a biography, p.267-268. It was well in advance of the first performance, which took place in April 1948 at the Royal Albert Hall.

A teacher's advice is not meant to be taken like a Pill but thought about & then: 1) adopted, or (2) rejected, or (perhaps best of all) (3) a 3rd course suggests itself from thinking the matter over.

RVW letter to GRACE WILLIAMS 1920

New York on the 26th, lecture at Yale on the 1st. Sail on the 4th. Ralph is terrifically well and bouncy and THRIVES on milkshakes and butterscotch sundaes.

UVW letter from New York to Michael and Eslyn Kennedy 1954

Most of Stravinsky bores me. I wish he even shocked me: especially the Rite of Spring...but I do like Symphony of Psalms, Les Noces, and the Suite for Violin and Pianoforte, of which I once heard a record under very peculiar circumstances, of which I will tell you one day.

RVW letter to MICHAEL KENNEDY 1957

You have never lost your invention but it has not developed enough.  Your best – your most original and beautiful style or ‘atmosphere’ is an indescribable sort of feeling as if one was listening to very lovely lyrical poetry.

GUSTAV HOLST letter to RVW 1903