Welcome to the Vaughan Williams Foundation – one of the foremost sources of funding for recent and contemporary music in the UK

The Vaughan Williams Foundation is a grant-giving charity which upholds the values and vision of the celebrated composer Ralph Vaughan Williams and his wife Ursula Vaughan Williams.

Our principal aims are to honour RVW’s desire to support his fellow composers, and to help make his own work widely accessible to the general public.

VWF was founded in 2022, 150 years after the composer’s birth, and brings together the two charities originally set up by Ralph (RVW Trust) and Ursula (Vaughan Williams Charitable Trust).


Postgraduate Composers

The 25/6 Vaughan Williams Scholarships of £8,000 each are open to applicants who demonstrate exceptional compositional talent and who are intending to make composition their professional career. Scholarships are awarded towards the costs of study of a taught Masters course or PhD in composition at UK universities or conservatoires. Applications are now open.

Congratulations to the seven composers who received Vaughan Williams Bursaries towards their Masters studies in composition in 2024.


General Funding

VWF supports the work, performance and recording of British/Irish composers from the last 100 years; as well as projects which further the knowledge and understanding of the life and music of Ralph Vaughan Williams, and of the work of Ursula Vaughan Williams.

Applications are now open. Ensembles, organisations and individuals are welcome to apply.

The Foundation also offers annual funding for postgraduate composition students.


Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958) is one of the greatest of British composers whose music, generosity and vision for community music making, continue to impact British musical life.

Find out more about the composer and explore our extensive archive of letters and photographs and catalogue of published works.


Image for the Tweet beginning: Following its acclaimed production of Twitter feed image.

Vaughan Williams Foundation

Following its acclaimed production of Hugh the Drover, The New London Opera Group returns to Vaughan Williams with a new concert production of The Poisoned Kiss.

Tues, March 25, Friday, March 28 & Sat, March 29, at Holy Trinity Church in Kensington.

🎫 https://newlondonoperagroup.org/2025/01/16/the-poisoned-kiss-tickets-on-sale-now/

Image for the Tweet beginning: Inspiration for music teachers this Twitter feed image.

Vaughan Williams Foundation

Inspiration for music teachers this #Monday morning – or perhaps not! 😂

Image for the Tweet beginning: HSO Spring Celebration Concert marking Twitter feed image.

Harrogate District Chamber of Commerce

HSO Spring Celebration Concert marking 50 years since Arthur Bliss’s death and 40 years of Bryan Western conducting HSO. Music by Elgar, Bliss and Vaughan-Williams. Soloist Lily Dai (cello).

#hdcc #harrogate #business #springcelebration #vaughanwilliams

Image for the Tweet beginning: The wonders of composition... 🎼

Have Twitter feed image.

Vaughan Williams Foundation

The wonders of composition… 🎼

Have a lovely weekend!

Twitter feed video.

BBC Radio 3

“My aunt told me that Bach was quite a good composer but not so good as Handel.”
Ralph Vaughan Williams in 1950 on his musical influences.

Image for the Tweet beginning: Vaughan Williams Foundation Scholarships are Twitter feed image.

Vaughan Williams Foundation

Vaughan Williams Foundation Scholarships are offered to exceptionally talented PhD and Masters students of composition at British universities or conservatoires who anticipate a career as a professional composer.

Find out more here: https://vaughanwilliamsfoundation.org/funding/postgraduate-funding/

Image for the Tweet beginning: Words from writer Hugh Morris Twitter feed image.

Vaughan Williams Foundation

Words from writer Hugh Morris which sum up what a contradictory, yet interesting contribution RVW made to British classical music 🎶

Image for the Tweet beginning: Following its acclaimed production of Twitter feed image.

Vaughan Williams Foundation

Following its acclaimed production of Hugh the Drover, The New London Opera Group returns to Vaughan Williams with a new concert production of The Poisoned Kiss.

Tues, March 25, Friday, March 28 & Sat, March 29, at Holy Trinity Church in Kensington.

🎫 https://newlondonoperagroup.org/2025/01/16/the-poisoned-kiss-tickets-on-sale-now/

Image for the Tweet beginning: 📣 Deadline approaching!

Vaughan Williams Scholarships, Twitter feed image.

Vaughan Williams Foundation

📣 Deadline approaching!

Vaughan Williams Scholarships, worth up to £8K, replace the Vaughan Williams Bursaries previously given only for MA studies. Registrations to apply close on March 31.

Get your application in now!

Details here: https://vaughanwilliamsfoundation.org/funding/postgraduate-funding/

Image for the Tweet beginning: ✒️ We wonder what it Twitter feed image.

Vaughan Williams Foundation

✒️ We wonder what it was that made RVW feel young again!

His music continues to inspire us. Its incredible breadth of style and outlook seems especially important in our polarised times.

CHRISTOPHER GLYNN, artistic director, Ryedale Festival

Among his acts were countless kindnesses, known only to himself and the persons concerned. He gave continuous encouragement to younger men. He had the dignified humility of a great man, and was utterly unself-seeking.


I cannot stress enough how important this organisation’s work is, what a profound difference it is making, and how it has enabled so many to develop creatively and give new work a platform. Vaughan Williams himself would surely be so proud of this legacy. 

ZOE MARTLEW, composer and cellist

It is necessary to know facts, but music will enable you to see past facts to the very essence of things in a way which science cannot do. The arts are the means by which we can look through the magic casements and see what lies beyond. 

RVW, letter to the children of Swaffham Primary School, 1958